Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Link Preview -- Snap of the Target

A link preview functionality has been added to this blog. Now when you hover over a link, a snap of the target site will be fetched and previewed in a snap box (kind of tooltip). The obvious benefit is to decide between going for the target or remaining on the page depending upon your liking of preview. This service can provide your readers a better reading experience without having to leave your page now and then. freely provides this facility, even you do not need to register, just enter your site's url and script will be generated for you which you can paste in the head section of your page. If it works fine, very good. In some cases when your site follows strict Doctype conventions as is the case with this blog, you have to do slight changes in the code. Just find out the portion of the code that resembles the highlighted portion of the above code snippet and simply delete it. This is because the script is not well formed as it contains "defer" attribute without any value and hence not well formed.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Dr Google

The way the IT has been revolutionizing all the aspects of life,empowering organisations and at the same time vesting more and more power within individuals, how can the field of Medical Science be left behind. Today it has become more than necessary to be aware of ones own health,and carry ones 'VitalBase'(health database) with oneself. Thats why Dr Google is now aroundthe corner.

Google started its foray into the area of health and medicine with an enhancement to its search results. Search for a medical issue or a treatment like diabetes,aids,malaria etc and you will know. Just above the search results as shown in the snap you will find links to refine the results according to treatment,tests,symptoms etc. You can also refine search based on roles such as patients,medical authorities or health professionals.No doubt this has been made possible by the recent introduction of Google optimized search (previous coverge here).

Alternatively, you can also do optimized search as laid below:

»Treatment:- diseaseName more:condition_treatment (ex. "diabetes more:condition_treatment")

»Tests/diagnosis:- diseaseName more:tests_diagnosis

»For Patients:- diseaseName more:for_patients

»From medical authorities:- diseaseName more:medical_authorities

»Symptoms:- diseaseName more:condition_symptoms

»Causes/risk factors:- diseaseName more:causes_risk_factors

»For health professionals:- diseaseName more:for_health_professionals

»Alternative medicine:- diseaseName more:alternative_medicine

[link: Google Official Blog]