Monday, December 18, 2006

Time : Person of the Year

As a consequence of what the year 2006 was all about, there is no surprise that Time magazine selected YOU as the person of the year. YOU the blogger, the symbol of freedom of expression, the protagonist of world social network. As the article says
"It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It's about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people's network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes."

The Web 2.0 has really dissolved something in the life vinegar of the Global citizens as apparently now you say what you feel, what you always wanted to , what you have never said. Now you just take out your camcorder, go to streets and and build over your newly found passion and engagement. And to hear you, to support or reject your opinions you have a global audience. No boundaries.

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